Category: Stamped Concrete

Make Your Sidewalk an Attractive Piece to Your Home

a decorative stamped concrete walkway

There are plenty of ways to spruce up your yard and adding a sidewalk with some flavor and decoration will give your home a welcoming look. This is a great way to celebrate the nicer weather breaking through. At Templin Concrete Construction, we specialize in decorative concrete design, and we can make your yard the… Read more »

New Type of Concrete Could Offer New Options

Flexible Concrete

To the layman, concrete may all appear the same, but the truth is the concrete industry continues to evolve and innovate. As Archinect recently reported, researchers at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore invented a type of concrete that is not only bendable, but stronger than traditional concrete. While that alone is amazing, the scientistsā€™ creation,… Read more »

Stamped Concrete Maintenance 101

Stamped Concrete

Stamped concrete has added inherent strength and endurance over conventional concrete. When properly installed and maintained, even when exposed to harsh winter weather conditions, stamped concrete is much stronger than many of the most common decorativeĀ stone alternatives, and provides a consistent, stable option for outdoor patios, walkways and more. A complete concrete installation will include… Read more »